You know you have reached a new stage in life when you scoff at litter being thrown down and people partying but not picking up after them. I’ve also realized what it means to be a dog lover and Mum in a city like London – it means you cherish your park/common and when a big festival blocks you off from enjoying your park time every day you get angry! WOW! I got angry about a festival taking our common away for a week – what has gotten into me!? Motherhood… that’s what! I guess I’ve entered the age of completely understanding what it means to care about a community and the activities each day that keeps my family happy and content.
Rant of the Week continued: So many speak of their spirituality and post their Facebook rants about what is right and wrong and it seems like so many have THE answer. You know what – there isn’t ONE answer! We all have individual roads to discovering what life means to us. Someone else’s journey is awesome and I am so happy for people that find happiness in being Vegan or Spiritual or having an answer but I really dislike the trend of treating these things as if they mean that your answer is the ONLY answer! You feel me on that one? I have my answers – I even share those thoughts in blogs and on Facebook from time to time but I have learned over time to have your ideas and keep them as that… YOUR ideas. Don’t talk as if you have THE answer and everyone needs to follow in suit because you have figured it out because 9 times out of 10 your ideas will slightly adjust with time. I just think social media etiquette is needed and for me it starts there. The keys of courage have got to go. Rant done… okay, almost done… As much as social media feels like a vacuum talking to a legion of people that must completely agree – it’s not! Nobody needs minions unless they are yellow, little and hilarious. We are not gods in our lives – just human beings with the capacity to think, feel, and come up with our own philosophies. It’s awesome that we get to share them but horrible that we use them against others! Okay Rant done for real this time.
I’ve got potatoes in the oven roasting. I like to boil the potatoes in equal bits for about 10 minutes, pour out the water, bang them around in the pot to rough up the edges and then pop them in the oven coated with coconut oil, my BBQ rub and a bit of salt and pepper! I’ve finally got my roast potatoes game down! This makes my Husband very happy. 😛 The pork is in a bowl marinating, and pasta salad ready to go as a nice little dinner for my family of two – Max and I – since little grumpy, teething, Willow is asleep in her bed.
Poor little baby is having a hard time and is very upset that we have had so much rain. She is full of energy and needs the chance to go outside and play daily. I secretly love the 8-month-old clinginess. I was worried at first that I had created this neediness for Mummy but after a quick Google I found that this is normal at 8 months. Apparently she is learning that Mummy and her are two different entities and she looks to me for support, as she becomes her own person. Lots of peek-a-boo, bonding, singing, and cuddles seems to help.
I’m very excited to have started a new project with CBBC called ‘Taking the Next Step’. I’m scouring the country to find young dancers with a talent to perform and potentially act in Canadian series, The Next Step. I love being able to inspire other dancers – it’s like deja vu seeing a little bit of myself in each of them. I’m certainly an honest judge. Living in LA for 11 years competing against hundreds at each audition has given me a hard edge when it comes to preparing our youth for what’s to come. I believe in each of them and with the small amount of time I get to speak to each, I try to give feedback that is useful. It’s tough when you are seeing so many in a day – but necessary! Wish me luck – wish them luck – let’s dance!